Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Tayla B talks about her part as Mary
At St Mary’s school we have been working on our end of the year production. I got the part of Mary and it has been very fun to be Mary. She is such an amazing character to play. It was such a great experience. Our production was called journey of celebration!
Tayla A's time at St Mary's
Wow! It’s exactly a week until our Leaving Mass. I am so nervous. I’m going to be so upset. It is my last year at St Mary’s and next year I am going to high school. It’s going to be a big change. I’m really nervous about leaving all my awesome friends. The Leaving Mass is going to be so sad. I’ve done so many fun and exciting things at St Mary’s but I’ve still got many more adventures to come!!
By Tayla A
Sinead talks about the production
At St Mary’s we have been practicing for our end of year production. On Monday we preformed it for the first time when we had our matinee and last night we preformed our first night performance and tonight we perform it for the last time at 7:00pm.
Briana reflects on the production
At school lately we have been working on our end of year production. I am an innkeeper and the angel. Our production is called a Journey of CelebrationJ
It is about the Carter family going on their kiwi summer Christmas holiday and Mary and Joseph setting off for Bethlehem getting ready for the birth of baby Jesus.
The Production!
Monday was the Matinee, Wednesday was the first night production and tonight is the last night of the St Mary’s School Journey of Celebration!!!!!
The last 3 weeks at School we have been creating our school production which is called Journey of Celebration. The story begins with Mary and Joseph who are setting off for Bethlehem for the birth of baby Jesus, meanwhile the Carter family who are going on a Summer Holiday to Montego Bay!...
By Karen
Brooke's end of year...
The end of the year is going to be hard saying goodbye to all my friends and going to different high schools.
By Brooke L J
Alysha reflects...
Life at St Mary’s has been great, even after 8 whole years. I’m going to miss the opportunities you get at St Mary’s, but not at other schools. It’s going to be hard saying goodbye to everyone on the last day, especially at the leavers mass! :’(
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Very cool Christmas Advent Calendar - I hope you enjoy these activities...
I wonder which ones will be you favourites...
Christmas Advent Calendar
Christmas Advent Calendar
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Please remember to visit and comment on our quad blogs...
Awesome Christmas fun to view http://stjohnsblogs.co.uk/class6/messy-art/
Class buddy voicethread http://thompson67.edublogs.org/2011/11/17/our-usm-buddies/
Class buddy voicethread http://thompson67.edublogs.org/2011/11/17/our-usm-buddies/
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Time for commenting...
Remember we are part of a quad blog! Please take time to visit and comment on Class 6's blog!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Eka's travels
Last night Eka headed off to Adelaide. If you visit this NZ Post site you will be able to track her progress if you enter the tracking code EP310562785NZ This is progress to date!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Georgian Rugby team
Check out this amazing post by Room 14 Hamilton East School on the Georgian Rugby Team! Thanks to Mr Webb for sending this link on Matthew's latest post!
Matthew's predictions for week 4!
Who Matthew thinks will win in the weekend!
Friday: the Springboks will probably beat Samoa about 31 - 24! Good luck to both teams
France will beat Tonga 34 – 17
England will beat Scotland 40 – 31
Sunday: New Zealand will beat Canada 91 – 23
Argentina will beat Georgia 48 – 17
Ireland will beat Italy 17 – 16
Wales will draw with Fiji 20 – 20
Matthew's week 3 review of RWC
We will start with a Pool A game, Tonga vs. Japan, both with no wins but Tonga want to win more which made their win 31-18. Poor goal kicking by James Arlidge against Tonga, only got one kick in.
20/09/11 Italy takes on Russia. Italy bought heavy fire power to win 53-12. Great statement to give to the Irish.
22/09/11 the Springboks take on Namibia. It was an easy game for the Springboks, no offence to Namibia but the result shows my point. Well done for Bryan Habana to score the most tries for South Africa in all time (not in a singe match)
23/09/11 The USA takes on Wallabies. The USA rest some big players for the Italian game which made no change in the result 68-5. The Wallabies have some injures.
24/09/11 England takes on Romania in Otago Stadium. The English Wings both score a Hat Trick. The big game between the mighty All Blacks and France, but for France, it did not go so well. At half time the score was 19-3. The All Blacks won 37-17. Well done Richie for 100 caps.
25/09/11 Manu Samoa takes on Fiji. Samoa lead at half time 12-0. Samoa got the win 27-7, bad luck Fiji. Ireland takes on the Russians. Ireland with the win 62-12. At least Russia scored a try, something the Wallabies could not do against Ireland. Scotland vs. Argentina. It was an important game for both Argentina and Scotland, the runner up of Pool B would pretty much be decided in this game. Scotland was leading at half time 6-3. Argentina score the only try which was enough to win 13-12.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The power of commenting
Today I became aware all over again, the power of commenting on blogs. Mr Webb from Hamilton commented on Mathew's first RWC post and tonight he commented on the second week's review. Not only did he comment, he also blogged about it on the Melville Intermediate Blog. Thanks so much Mr Webb. I am sure Matthew will be so motivated to report on week three now!
Eka travels offshore to visit our quad blogging class in Adelaide
We are in our second round of Quad Blogging and we are communicating with Room 13, Hawthorndene Primary School, Adelaide. To really collaborate and share our learning we are sending Eka, our class mascot over to Adelaide for an adventure. Eka has travelled around NZ with Mrs K on her Twitter Tour and we have followed her progress on our blog.
She has travelled by plane, ferry, car, bike, handbag and has even been geocaching where she met Phillipe a travelling cache under a bridge in the Waikato.
Eka even got to visit the cockpit on the flight to Auckland! She has visited classes all over New Zealand and met so many great learners.
She has travelled by plane, ferry, car, bike, handbag and has even been geocaching where she met Phillipe a travelling cache under a bridge in the Waikato.
To share our special place with the learners in Adelaide we have created a blog, Eka's adventures. This blog will be our sharing space and we hope to add to it over the rest of this year. It would be great to see comments and additions to this site!
Week 2 by the famous Matthew from Room 7!
Rugby world cup week 2!
We start with date:
14/09/11 Samoa vs. Namibia. Samoa made a convincing win 49-12. The same day Canada opened with a win over Tonga 25-20 in the last minutes of play. The Scots played in Invercargill again this time against Georgia, which was horrible game because it was just a drop goal and penalties game, 15-6. 15/09/11 Russia takes in their cold war enemies USA. Russia got its first rugby world points but USA got the only try but USA won 13-6.
16/09/11 The All Blacks take on Japan. All Blacks have their win over Tonga and are at the top of Pool A but have some injuries. But that didn’t affect the thrashing win 83-7.
17/09/11 Fiji take on the Springboks which was in the driver’s seat to win. The Springboks win 49-3 and makes them at the top of Pool D. Argentina destroyed Romania 43-8. First out of two biggest games this round, the Wallabies takes on the Irish, again penalties and drop goal. Ireland upset the Wallabies 15-6.
18/09/11 second biggest game of the round, Samoa takes on Wales. At half time Samoa lead but one penalty and a Shane Williams try made Samoa get upset 17-10. I went to this game in person to watch England take on Georgia. At half time England lead 17-10 and had a man in the bin but in the second half England thrashed Georgia 41-10, poor first half awesome second half. By Matthew
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Week One RWC according to Matthew!
In the weekend rugby world cup kicked off with All Blacks vs. Tonga. The 1st half was amazing for the All Blacks but the All Blacks were dreadful in the 2nd half. But still they kept the lead to win 41-10.
Day two Fiji vs. Namibia
The first 15 minute had Namibia lead but the rest of the game was Fiji who won 49-25. Scotland vs. Romania It was entertaining but Scotland came back in the final 10 minutes to win 34-24.
Later that day Japan vs. France Right on half time Japan scored and continued the good form. But France gave them a punishment when Japan was close with ten minutes to play. Argentina vs. England was one of the biggest games in pool play. The goal kicking was dreadful but at half time Argentina led England 6-3 and England had a man in the bin. In the second half England got the only try scored by Ben Young and England won 13-9. Sunday had only two games. Ireland took on the USA. I thought Ireland would destroy the USA but the Eagles did amazingly, but no competition points. The Springboks had their opening game vs. Wales which was close but the Springboks won 17-16!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Tom's Cross Country
On Thursday we had the cross country. At
the start of the day it was raining so we thought we wouldn’t have to run but
yes we did. The juniors had to run first in the rain and the freezing cold
wind. But when the year 8’s ran it was sunnier which the only good thing in the
whole day was. We were off and Cameron and me where leading around the first
corner but then Cameron slowly got further away from me but overall I was happy
because I got 2nd.
By TomJ
Thursday we had the dreaded cross country and it was very cold so we thought we
didn’t have to run it, but of course, we had to run it. The juniors ran first
and about half of them cried after they had run it. By the time it was our turn
most of us were frozen solid… but by the time we started running we got the
feeling back in our legs, feet and faces.
Basketball fun
On Tuesday at school room 7 had basketball
coaching with Matt. We did lots of ball skills like dribbling and swapping the
ball in between our legs for relay races. We also played some games like golden
child and knock out twice. I had lots of fun and can’t wait to do it again
Tayla's cross Country
Today we had our school cross country, but
unfortunately I had a cold and couldn’t run. I was handing out the 4th
and 5th places and loudly cheering on my Whanau group ( which didn’t
help my voice ). It looked like it was very hard.:)
Karen's day
we had our school cross-country, I did not
participate but me and my friend helped out with who came where and if they got
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th
we gave them a coloured card and their name got put on a piece of paper and
they get points for their whanau group.
Nadia's Cross Country
Nadia Cross Country story
On Thursday September
15, 2011 it was cross country day. I was so nervous, I don’t know why, but I
was. We went over to the rec and watched the little kid’s races. Finally it was
time for our race. “Ready Set Go” Mr. Bros said. At first it was all three of
the year 7 girls racing like crazy but then I raced out in front and I thought
to my self YAY I’m winning. When I was coming though the finish line I couldn’t
be happier the race was finally over. I had won. Then after a long race I went
to get a drink.
By Nadia
Quintin's Cross Country
Today we ran the cross country at Brookland’s
park. (Aka the Rec.) Our class watched all the younger classes go until it was
our turn to run. All the year 8’s at the starting line and Mr. B said. “On your
marks, get set … Go! We were off, Cameron at the lead followed closely by Tom
then Leon, afterwards me, then Jackson and James. In the end Cam
came 1st then Tom 2nd then Leon 3rd and me 4th
followed by James and Jackson. I strongly dislike cross country so it wasn’t a
good afternoon for me.
By Quintin
Zarah's Cross Country
Today we had the cross country
I started the race by pacing myself and trying
not to go slow. When someone passed I tried to go faster. In the end I placed 3rd.
By Zarah
Emma's Cross Country
Cross country
We were lined
up ready to go. Mr Bros called on your marks, get set, go. We were racing. It
was the first lap and we were in a big group.
The further we ran the more we spread out. As I came round to the
starting point for the second lap I could here everyone cheering for each
person in the race. I carried on round for the second lap. My legs were aching
and I was getting puffed but I had to keep going. Coming up to the finish line
I put the rest of my energy into sprinting to the finish line. I passed the
line and was given a red card with first on it. I was so happy.
Sinead's Cross Country
READY, SET, GO!!!! I heard Mr. Bros yell
and we were off! We had been standing in the rain for what felt like hours! We
all had to run around the rec twice. I ran the whole first lap and then I
walked with Zarah for most of the second lap. When we were nearly at the end we
started sprinting and I ended up getting 2nd, Nadia got 1st,
and Zarah got 3rd. I was
really surprised that I got 2nd.
By Sinead J
James's Cross Country
Today room 7 did cross country. I came 5th. After the race every body was tired because
they tried hard and ran lots. I am happy
that I came 5TH.
Brooke's cross country experience
Cross Country 2011
Today was cross country day. We had to wear
our sports uniform. First we had to watch all the younger ones and then it was
our race. I came 3 out of the year 8 girls. Mr. Bros was in the corner and he
told me to keep going so I did but I ended up walking most of the way through
the second lap. I was so tired afterwards. But I still passed the finish line.
By Brooke
Alysha and Maddy
Cross Country!
At cross country, Maddy and Alysha stood in corners with cones, to cheer on the runners. Everyone did great and it looked like everyone was having a good time.
Tayla's Cross Country Experience
Cross country
On your marks get set go!!!
Mr Bros said and I was already puffed by the time I was round the corner but I knew I had to keep going. I passed heaps of people on the way. “Yes” I said as I passed the finish line. The teacher gave me a card that said 2nd on it. I was so impressed with myself but by the end of that I couldn’t feel my legs. They were like jelly the end.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - Trailer in lego
After the lego haka, I thought you might like to see the Trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2! I wonder if we are ready to start planning our animations using lego?
Welcome to our blog
This week we are very excited to have visitors to our blog. Welcome to our quad blogging visitors from Australia, USA and Canada.
This is a very special time for us in New Zealand as we host the 2011 Rugby World Cup. The opening ceremony was amazing and will help you learn about the history of New Zealand.
I thought you might like to see it!
This is a very special time for us in New Zealand as we host the 2011 Rugby World Cup. The opening ceremony was amazing and will help you learn about the history of New Zealand.
I thought you might like to see it!
Quad Blogging
Monday, September 12, 2011
Rugby Caricatures
Mrs S gave me a copy of rugby caricatures. We each got one to look at and try and decide which All Black it was. A caricature usually exaggerates a feature. We found it really hard to work out who some of them were so we had to go to our resident expert Matthew. He knows sooooo much about the RWC and he identified and sorted them all. Kyle and Matt helped him put them all into their positions and make a poster. Did they get them all right? The poster is up in the school foyer for you to check out and comment on too.
We even have caricatures of the coaches. Do you recognise them?
Friday, September 9, 2011
Rugby World Cup
I can’t wait until tonight’s game and the
opening ceremony. I hope the All Blacks win all of their games and hopefully
win the Rugby World Cup 2011. GO THE ALL BLACKS!!!!
By Karen
Our rugby players
We made New Zealand rugby players cut outs.
First we got a piece of cardboard and drew a body of a New Zealand player then
we got a picture of the player. We chose Richie Macaw and stuck his head on top
of the cardboard and then we painted it. They look great.
By Quintin
Rugby World Cup
There are 20 teams
from all over the world playing, 48 games played over 6 weeks. Games are
getting played all round New Zealand and some stadiums have been added onto to
hold more people. The Dunedin stadium is the only stadium that has a roof in
the world with real grass and it seats 30,000 screaming fans and is very
impressive. I can’t wait till the 23 of
October when the final is played between the two best teams in the world!! Who
will be the winning team and bring home the web Ellis cup which we are hoping
the all blacks will bring it home !!!
Rugby World cup cutouts
To mark the start of
the Rugby World Cup tonight, we made cardboard cut outs of the stars of the All
Blacks. In my group, there was Maddy, Brooke and I. We made a cardboard cut out
of Piri Weepu. It was really hard
cutting around all the corners of his shoes and things. It was really fun and
I’m sure that Piri will look great hanging on our wall, and I hope we have the
Webb Ellis Cup at the end of the world cup! J
By Alysha
Today, we started the day by enjoying flash mob hakas, and the lego haka - then we decided to make rugby players and haka animations..... FUN FUN FUN...
Matthew's World Cup Review
Rugby world cup. The All Black lost in quarter finals against France this Year.
We can win the Webb Ellis cup but we have to win Pool A first then beat who wins the quarter finals. Then meet our old foes in the Wallabies, Springboks and England in the semis
and the finals. My thought, the teams in the World Cup
Pool A to go the quarter finals, no offence, will be the All Blacks and France.
Pool B England and Argentina .
Pool C Wallabies and Ireland .
Pool D Springboks and Samoa just. Pool D is
the best pool to me.
By Matthew
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Just one sleep til the Rugby World Cup opening!
How about some art tomorrow to celebrate the opening of the Rugby World Cup??
Check out the very cool art work by this class in Palmerston North!
Check out the very cool art work by this class in Palmerston North!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Stars on Stage
Stars on Stage was awesome. It was great fun to get up and dance in front of everybody. I was really, really scared but after we had done it I wanted to do it again. My costume for the Red Queen was awesome but it was quite hard to dance in. I thought I was going to slip on my dress.
Stars on stage
I loved my Mad Hatter costume and Dance, it was awesome. We all enjoyed doing stars on stage and it was so much fun and can’t wait till I get the DVD of it!!!
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