Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Camp Fundraising is well and truly underway.

Term 1 saw us being our fundraising for our summer camp which will be held at Camp Columba in Term 4.

The ongoing fundraiser for the term was our Easter Raffle which was very well supported by our families, friends and the wider community.  A huge thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets in our Easter Raffle.  The three prize hampers were fantastic, thank you to Mrs Evans for putting these together for us.

Thank you to everyone who supported our first cake stall for 2017 it was a huge success and we looking forward having more of these throughout the year.

Problem of the Day - Maths

Exploring and making connections in our maths problem solving groups.  
Each time we work together we are learning from one another and developing as mathematicians.

Exploration Time!