Thursday, February 3, 2011

Our caterpillar miracle!

I still wonder how it was possible for me to spot the little runaway outside the school fence...

With a little help from my friends I was able to encourage the runaway onto a leaf from our plants.

Our little family safe inside.

The bigger caterpillar munching away....

Our little runaway safely back where s/he belongs!

I made a Photo Peach of our caterpillars tonight but it won't upload so we'll have to make do with the photos for now...


  1. Room Seven, never mind Photopeach there's a great story in the pictures that went with the post, I agree it must have been hard to see because the Caterpillar is camouflaged against the ground, so wonderful spotting! Nice blog too, but I think you should change your comment settings so that anyone can leave a comment not just someone with a google account.
    Mr Webb and Room 8, Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato.

  2. These caterpillars are always hungry and go off looking for food. Do you now what else you can feed them? I am looking forward to watching your caterpillars grow and change.

  3. Hi Room 7 - what a fabulous start you have made to your blog!! We don't start school until Monday so can only begin blogging after that.
    Your photos look incredible, we look forward to seeing more from you guys throughout the year
    Mrs May, Mrs O and Room 4, Lawrence Area School.
