Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mother's Day

Mothers Day

Last Thursday at school we made paper tea cups for our mums for mother’s day. 

We started by picking a coloured tea cup and gluing it together. We also got coloured paper to cut a flower out. We then curled up the flowers with our pencils.   

We decorated them with the flowers we made and some lace that Mrs K had found. We also made them a matching card. We put them into a bag so our mums couldn’t see them and they would still be a surprise.

On mothers day I woke up and made my mum breakfast in bed. I gave her my card and the paper tea cup. I also gave her mothers day lotto pack. My mum loved all her gifts.

By Tayla A, Maddy, Zarah and James!


  1. Those cups were so fun to make!!!!:)

  2. My face is crinkled up in the photo:>)

  3. thank you Jackson I really loved the card & paper cup you made me, as with many other mums I'm sure.

    I noticed many dads out & about with their kids when I went shopping & it was good to hear them talking about letting mum have her day ... Happy Mothers Day to all you deserve it!!!!
