Thursday, March 23, 2017

To be sure to be sure!

 Mufti-days are always thoroughly enjoyed by our students but to show our Lenten commitment it was great to have such generous almsgivng for our Caritas focus.

Well done to everyone for getting in the spirit of St Patrick's Day with your leprechaun influenced costumes. 

Congratulations to our Maths Whizz Kids!

So far so good with a large number of Xtra Math certificates being awarded to students in Room 7.  Congratulations to everyone and especially to those of you who have already earned over two certificates this term.

We are Sailing!

Thank you to Volvo Have a Go for providing the opportunity for us to learn how to sail on the Otago Harbour.  We had fantastic days for each of our two sailing groups.

A big thank you to our instructors for the days and also to our parents who supported with transport and assisting at the sessions.

Meet Room 7 for 2017

Meet our team of motivated and talented learners.  We can't wait to show you our journey over the year.