Monday, June 29, 2015

School Cross Country

The day started with a frost but ensured that for our annual School Cross Country we had a crisp and blue sky afternoon to hold the event.

Thank you to all Room 7 students who helped with setting up the course, marshalling and went as a runner to guide the younger students around their course.

It was fantastic to see all students doing their best and for some of them this meant completing the course non-stop for the first time ever.

Congratulations to Bridget, Thor and Jonty who came first in their group.  A group of very strong runners it looked like you could have continued to run for double the distance.

To all students aiming to compete at the South Taieri Cross Country and are hoping to qualify for the Otago Cross Country use the school holidays to maintain and increase your fitness and also train on different terrains including hill work to help with your preparation.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Sun is Shining!

See how we have used opposites to create effect
  • Straight verus curved lines
  • Warm versus cool colours

Our Aliens completed

Check out our cool creations.  
We wonder what planet that would be best to inhabit?

Friday, June 19, 2015

Risk-Taking in Whanau

This afternoon we enjoyed learning and completing risk-taking activities.  

Thanks for organising this fun session Mrs O'Neill.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Alien Adventure in Room 7

A fun and creative session today creating our own Aliens.

Exceptional turnout at the Extra Spelling Quiz

Thank you to the Extra Spelling Quiz Team who put on a great event yesterday at Tahuna Intermediate.  St Mary's entered three teams this year in each of the sections.  Thank you to all the parents who assisted with transport and support.  

Well done to our teams for their effort and enthusiasm at the event.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Great effort by our 40 Hour Famine Team

Congratulations to our fabulous 40 Hour Famine team who all completed this years challenge.  Together the have raised over $275, a great team effort.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Celebrating Mass with Our Buddies

Putting our Life Education learning into practise.

During our first sessions with Pip we focused on our nutritional needs and how our body uses energy.  
Our final session in the Life Education Bus involved us working in groups to create healthy menus for the day which incorporated the appropriate serving amounts people our age require for optimum health and growth for the food pyramid.

We then looked at some pictures of meals where we had to come up with ways to make the meals we were presented healthier by changing the cooking method, adding necessary food groups or replacing items with a healthier option e.g. changing chips in a lunch to air-popped popcorn, rather than frying fish grilling it, making homemade wedges rather than having fries.

This was a great way to consolidate all of the information we had acquired over all of our sessions.  

Now for us to put this into practise when we cook and prepare food for our family.

Netball Success

Congratulations to Bridget and Kayla who have both been selected into the Taieri Plains Representative teams for their year group.  Enjoy your season and upcoming tournaments.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Start of Life Education

Welcome back to St Mary's Pip.  It is great to have you back to help with our learning in the health curriculum.

This morning we focused on our WOF for ourselves when it comes to our bodies.  

Key learning was about the  three A's.
"Appetite", "Activity" and "Attitude"

This afternoon we are looking at the food pyramid and how to read nutrition labels.

What's in our food?

This afternoon we took a closer look at the labels on food and made comparisons with the sugar and fat content in food.  Do we really know what we are eating?

Monday, June 1, 2015

Bluelight PCT Challenge

On Tuesday we had two teams competing in the Pct Challenge.  It is a great way to test your fitness, agility and most importantly your team work.  Great effort by the two teams who represented Room 7.

Funtime Friday with our Buddies

Rugby Reps

Congratulations to Thor, Gracin and Elliot for being selected into their weight category Metro Rugby teams.